Mar 26, 2014

And Yes ... Another Cat ...

But this time a crazy one. Fur Real Friends? I don't think so.

3 Way Ping Pong

Finally a cat video I want to post. Now I exist. This is too cute. Go ahead ... smile!

PING PONG CAT from Hello Future Films on Vimeo.

Everybody Dance Now

Japanese group Tempura Kidz ... dressed up, loads of make-up ... and dance! Looks like fun.

Douchebag Tanks

These tanks are very funny. But you risk being hit in the face wearing them.


Art History's Burn Book

Great Tumblr blog, Art History's Burn Book. Worth going viral. Be sure to read the comment also.

The Simpsons LEGO

... and aren't they cute! Minifigures with at least 1 prop, $ 4.


Concrete Lights

These are concrete lights experiments by Elim Cheng. I don't like the bag, but the other ones ... awesome!

via (thanks Yam)

Mar 23, 2014

How Big Is The Universe

A cute animation about the size of the universe. Finally an animation that doesn't make you feel small and stupid.

How Big Is The Universe? from Beakus on Vimeo.


Good article about Schopenhauer and his thoughts about style.

"Style is the physiognomy of the mind. It is a more reliable key to character than the physiognomy of the body. To imitate another person’s style is like wearing a mask. However fine the mask, it soon becomes insipid and intolerable because it is without life; so that even the ugliest living face is better."


Colorized Historical Photos

This is a mind-fuck. At least for me. Because of the color difficult to put in the right time frame.


Portraits Can Be Very Creative

As Sandro Miller shows us.


Yeah ... That's Dutch

Check out the Amsterdam office from Google. Localized ... definitely dutch. Even the snacks from the wall. It's designed by D/Dock.


Sea Containers

I love this image. Unrecognizable sea containers. The objects could be very small, or, very big. It's by Tom Hutton. Be sure to check all of his industrial landscape photo's.

This Made Me Smile

Miradors by Erwan Fichou. It started with a vision, and these are the results.


I Don't Care About The Camera's

I really don't care about a constant 360-degrees view of the surroundings. I love the way it looks. It's a 1966 Little Honda P25 by Chicara Nagata. I want to volunteer to ride it around as a promotion in Amsterdam and surroundings.


Made In Durham

Made In Durham (N. Carolina, US). A photo series by Justin Cook. It's all about marginalization and relationships.



Meditallucination is the latest show by illustrator / artist Geoff McFetridge. I like. Simple with a twist.


The History Of Twitter

Very nice video by Mashable about the history of Twitter (8 years old already).

Mar 22, 2014


Robots learn how to behave socially ... robotiquette. That's something. A lot of people never learn how to behave socially. But it's smart socially. For example Victor, the scrabble robot, he isn't that good in playing scrabble. Why? If he always wins regular people don't want to play with him anymore. And ... he talks trash. It seems that regular people like that. Robots want to be wanted. My favorite? Brad the toaster ofcourse. An addicted product.

This article is certainly worth reading.

Addicted products: The story of Brad the Toaster from Simone Rebaudengo on Vimeo.

Mar 20, 2014

Adly Syairi Ramly Loves Lego

He certainly does. Look at these bands, or better, these album covers redesigned by him.


Every wondered how old a celebrity is? No need to google anymore. The website knows it all. Plus you can play a guessing game.

The 2014 Sony World Photography Awards

Very good photography. Below my personal favorites.


Bright yellow smiley balloons on a cemetry. Contradiction.

Almost Jeff Wall.

A Woman's Work Is Never Done

Embroider your own skin. That takes courage. That's what artist Eliza Bennett does. "A woman's work is never done". Her hands are scarred and swollen. All this to remind the viewer of the strife of women laborers.


Extreme Dog Grooming

Awh! So sad. And funny at the same time.
