Feb 10, 2011

Face To Facebook

Stealing 1 million Facebook profiles, filtering them with face-recognition software, and then, posting them on a custom-made dating website, Lovely Faces, sorted by their facial expressions characteristics.
That's what artists Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico did.

"Facebook, an endlessly cool place for so many people, becomes at the same time a goldmine for identity theft and dating - unfortunately, without the user's control. But that's the very nature of Facebook and social media in general. If we start to play with the concepts of identity theft and dating, we should be able to unveil how fragile a virtual identity given to a proprietary platform can be. And how fragile enormous capitalization based on exploiting social systems can be. And it'll eventually mutate, from a plausible translation of real identities into virtual management, to something just for fun, with no assumed guarantee of trust, crumbling the whole market evaluation hysteria that surrounds the crowded, and much hyped, online social platforms."


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