Aug 12, 2024

Intense iconic photo's from history

In the 80s (OMG!!!! As the T-shirt says 'It's weird being the same age as old people') I worked for the largest international press agency in the Netherlands, ABC Press. Office was in the red light district. Pre-computer. Every morning there was a courier with a pile of mostly A4 photo's with fun paparazzi stuff but also disasters, war et cetera et cetera. A lot of photo's which I cannot 'unsee' anymore. And we had a huge archive, photo's in boxes. Historic photo's. We also represented Magnum Photo's. Can you imagine that a photographer was in a dangerous war zone and there was somebody who smuggled the filmrolls out of the country ... went to Paris ... develop the roll ... edit the photo's and send it out to their representatives.

via History Defined - 50 of the most chilling photo's in History

The Self-Immolation of Thích Quảng Đức

The “Beautiful Suicide” of 23-year-old Evelyn McHale

“The Falling Man” who jumped from the Twin Towers after the 9/11 attack.

Mary Borders, “The Dust Lady,” who survived the attack of the Twin Towers on September 11th.

John Lennon signing an autograph for his soon-to-be murderer, Mark David Chapman hours before he was shot.

Princess Diana in her car shortly before the fatal crash

Omayra Sanchez, the young girl who was trapped in the water after an earthquake.

A hotel manager pouring muriatic acid into the pool to get black swimmers to get out of the pool

A portion of the thousands of wedding rings taken from prisoners during the Holocaust.

A Ku Klux Klan parade in 1926

First Lady, Jackie Kennedy, after realizing her husband had been shot. A Secret Service agent rushes to assist.

A young girl facing starvation during the Sudanese famine, with a vulture sitting behind her.

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