Sep 12, 2012

Baby Talking Your Cat

After 2 months I'm so happy. My cat Cookie, the wild one, was in a fight 2 months ago, had a terrible wound on the side. After a couple of days the wound got worse, so I wanted to take him to the vet. I found out it's not possible with a half wilde cat, he bit and scratched me and escaped. In the evening a friend told me to call the doctor and the doctor told me to come over to the hospital NOW!!!!! Tetanus injection, swollen hand, inflamed et cetera.

Cookie did better though, till 2 weeks later, wound got worse, back was swollen. Every day I tried to get him into the bench (one of the benches he totally ruined while escaping)

Cat in stress, me in stress. A couple of days later everything seemed okay again. Ofcourse I had a hotline with the vet.

Till last weekend, Cookie stayed in the house, didn't eat much, I couldn't approach him. This needed planning. Yesterday evening he ran out of the house, after I decided to get him in the bench and go to the doctor today. This morning he wasn't in, I totally freaked out. Ran in the neighbourhood calling him, baby talking him. Finally after my daughter came home (lessons got canceled at her school fortunately), he came home.

After talking over the tactics, the second time we tried, we had him. He was so angry, growling, hissing. Went to the vet where he got an anti biotics boost and a heavy pain killer, both injections because you definitely cannot feed him pills.

Want to see how I was walking around my neighbourhood? Watch the video. He never liked to be petted, but oh how he loves it when I baby talk him.

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