Feb 1, 2012

Slug Invasion

A scary bunch of attack slugs.

Bachelor film project 2012 from The Animation Workshop.

Story: As morning dawns on a Norwegian suburb, a detachment of killer-slugs, led by the notorious Sergeant Slug, prepare for a heads-on attack on a small garden – their objective? A juicy, delicious flower on the other end, deep within a flowerbed. A new conscript and his close friend, a medical officer, both suit and join in the massive charge into the garden. But as the slugs emerge into the exposed field, they stand head to head with a diligent, elderly lady, hell-bent on keeping her garden pristine and safe from pests. As the two sides clash, it is as the saying goes: All's fair in hunger and war!

By: Morten Helgeland, Casper Wermuth, Lasse Rasmussen, Carina Løvgreen, Kirsten Bay Nielsen, Polina Bokhan, Peter Egeberg, Magnus Myrälf, Maria B. Kreutzmann

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