Feb 12, 2012

Drugs Set Your Timeline

Thank you Facebook ... It seems that providing information is not allowed on Facebook.

"The Israel Anti-Drug Authority (IADA) launched a Facebook campaign, ‘Drugs Set Your Timeline’ on 4th January 2012 to increase awareness in young adults (18-24) of the damages of prolonged drug use. McCann Digital Israel created a fictional user, Adam Barak, and used a ‘split page’ timeline, modelled on the updated Facebook layout, displaying Adam’s life under the influence of drugs in one column (A year with) and the same Adam drug-free in the other column (A year without). Each post is dated and each photo in one column has a direct temporal equivalent in the other, allowing the viewer to retrace Adam’s choices at each moment and assess the route to his happiness or demise. The campaign knowingly breached Facebook’s rules and regulations on fake profiles, particularly those constructed for brands, and was taken down after eight days."


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