Aug 11, 2024

Magnum Darkroom Collection

The Magnum Darkroom Collection completes the story of the photo. It's the original photo with marks and inscriptions by Magnum master printer Pablo Inirio, or in some cases the photographer. And it's beautiful! A work of art. You can see / buy them here.

Muhammad Ali Jumps, Chicago, 1966

Guide print marked with Pablo Inirio's notes for darkroom printing. © Thomas Hoepker / Magnum Photos

Muhammad Ali, boxing world heavyweight champion, jumping from a bridge over the Chicago River. Chicago, USA. 1966.

Soldiers on the Arno River, Florence, 1958

Guide print marked with Pablo Inirio's notes for darkroom printing. © Leonard Freed / Magnum Photos

Soldiers on the Arno River. Florence, Italy. 1958. © Leonard Freed / Magnum Photos

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