Jan 22, 2012

Mandala (A Musical Palindrome)

Mandala (A Musical Palindrome) by Daniel Starr-Tambor.

With more than 62 vigintillion individual notes, "Mandala" is the longest palindrome in existence. Composed using the first nine partials of the Natural Harmonic Series repeating at the accelerated tempos of our solar system, Mandala would continue without repetition for over 532.25 septendecillion years. In homage to "Art of the Fugue" by J.S. Bach, "Mandala" has been crafted to include the "musical signature" of it's author: the stereo imaging is arranged to reflect the exact position of the solar system at the moment of his birth, from the perspective of the Sun as it faces the constellation Libra, so that each note chronicles his birthday on every planet.

follow link for more info

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