Feb 7, 2019

Restaurant 'Exclusion'

We have a new 'attraction', a new pop-up shop in Amsterdam, Restaurant 'Buitensluiting' ('Exclusion'), opened yesterday.

You reserve a table. Sit down. Somebody turns the wheel and people with a certain physical characteristic will be excluded. During opening night it was: people with light colored eyes.
These people get water and bread while the other ones get a three course menu.

Pricing: Pay-What-You-Want.

It's an initiative by the Liliane Fund to get attention for children with a handicap in poor countries 'who experience this daily'. All proceeds goes to the Fund.

Can someone tell me why I'm so annoyed by this?

Do they really think people will experience how these kids feel?
Hahaha, it was so funny, John didn't get dinner because his nose was small! It was fun!
Pay-What-You-Want??!! Come on!!!!!!! A 3-course dinner, ask at least a guarantee of euro 30.

via (Dutch)

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