Feb 1, 2012

Takashi Murakami On Jellyfish Eyes

Sounds like a good movie to me. Fun story.

In this interview, Japanese artist Takashi Murakami about his next big project, for the big screen — a feature length movie about monster and kids! Released hopefully later this year.

“Using a cast of unknown actors and putting the film’s sizable budget almost entirely into special effects, the artist has managed to create big-screen incarnations of his ravenous, curious creatures that maintain astonishing fidelity to their canvas versions. But like “Godzilla,” which was born from the nuclear terror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s aftermath, Murakami’s film arises from a disaster: the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that rent his country asunder, killing thousands and displacing countless more (see Part 1 of our video interview with the artist, where he talks about his charity auction benefiting the earthquake victims).

Titled “Jellyfish Eyes,” the movie follows a young boy who after an earthquake has to move with his family to an “experimental city” where each child is paired with a small monster. The “angry feeling” of the children then gives these creatures great power, allowing them to grow from cuddly little companions to giant, omnivorous behemoths that tower over buildings and, in one especially gorgeous scene, tromp majestically through a misty forest. Havoc ensues.”



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