Feb 4, 2012


Mantasies by Danielle C. Head.

"In my series 'Mantasies' I am using myself as a blank slate to create a cast of outsider characters that I feel embody aspects of or mirror my personal fantasies. I am influenced strongly by my love of cinema. I have always been drawn towards flawed characters, even those types that are supposed to be despised. So perhaps nobody has sympathy for all of these characters except for me. Others might see them as outsiders, losers, sleezoids, cads or creeps. However it is in these faults and perceived failures that I find something deeper and more interesting. Some of these characters embody a sort of impossible fantasy, while others I feel reflect parts of myself. I am interested in telling these characters stories but there is also an inherent solipsism at work. In a way it is an attempted escape from myself, finding refuge and security in another personality."



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