Sep 22, 2011

The Artist Is Present (Again)

"Even if we weren’t lucky enough to go, most of us will have read about or seen the tumblr pics from last year’s The Artist is Present exhibition at MoMA where Marina Abramović created a unique audience experience by sitting silently and motionlessly for hours at a time in the gallery. It was the biggest ever performance art show at the museum and by the end of it, Abramović had sat for just over 760 hours. Occasionally, people were moved to tears as they gazed back at her intense stare. In just three months, 1,565 visitors sat in front of the artist.

Which, obviously, means that a whole lot more of us didn’t. So artist and game developer Pippin Barr has created a browser-based video game called The Artist Is Present which, at first glance is designed to reconstruct the experience you may have missed. From purchasing a ticket at the entrance (though it’s actually gone up, to $25!) to the artwork on the wall you would have queued past (and no you can’t push in) to get to Abramović the experience feels somewhat authentic (queue times vary according to the time of day, from 20 minutes to over four hours). There is, however, a sting in the tail we won’t tell you about."

follow link for more info

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