Aug 3, 2011

The Secret Life Of Robyn

"In this intimate portrait, documentary filmmaker and Magnum photographer Jim Goldberg goes beneath the surface of peroxide pop star Robyn’s veracious persona and quirky style. Filmed on Super 8 around her performance at this summer’s Bonnaroo festival in Tennessee, the short reveals the Grammy Award-nominee dancing with fans backstage, giving us insight into her undiluted energy. Known for his use of text-overlaid imagery, Goldberg has shot subjects as diverse as Somalian refugees, NYC sex workers, Condoleezza Rice and Dennis Hopper. Described as "direct, independent and intuitive" by the Swedish singer, he was granted unique access as the pair developed their concept collaboratively through an extensive exchange. Goldberg asked Robyn, "What's it like to be immersed in your world?" Her deeply personal monologue, layered with a mix of the single "Indestructible" from the 2010 album Body Talk, provides an unrestricted view of the sincere ambition behind her career."

follow link to view their creative process via excerpts from their e-mail dialogue.

The Secret Life of Robyn on

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