Apr 10, 2011

Rania Matar

A Girl And Her Room by photographer Rania Matar.

"As a mother of a teenage daughter I watch with awe her passage from girlhood into adulthood, with all the complications that it entails. As I observed her and her girlfriends, I became fascinated with the transformation taking place, with the adult personality shaping up, with an insecurity and a self-consciousness that are now replacing the carefree world the girls had lived in so far. I started photographing them in group situations, and quickly realized they were so aware of each other's presence, and that being in a group affected very much how they portrayed themselves to the world. I also realized that under an air of self-assurance, those young women were often very fragile, self-conscious and confused. While their bodies were developing fast into women's bodies, they were still on many levels young girls who suddenly thought they had to behave like adults."

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