Feb 25, 2011

Puma Faas With Rocker, Flex & Groove


Meet Rocker, Flex, And, Groove. Hailing from Jamaica, these four guys comprise the World's Fastest Band. They have jumped on the fast bandwagon (along with Usain Bolt) to help launch PUMA's new Faas Running Shoes.

When together, Rocker, Flex, And, Groove make Faas go fast. Watch how it happens in their first television commercial.


It has been scientifically proven the world over: Jamaicans are fast. We've spent the last decade studying what makes this possible. Is it their well-rounded diet of Trelawney yams? Is it because they balance their daily training with victory dance practice? After much time spent with our Jamaican athletes, we found the answer was rather simple.

Jamaicans take a simple approach to running. Their routine includes grass tracks and up-hill sprints rather than Alter-G treadmills and speed parachutes. They thrive in natural environments and remind the world that running is nothing more than a desire to be faster and to enjoy the freedom of finding one's natural rhythm.

We kept this in mind as we developed our Faas running shoes. We used a 'less is more' approach by removing the bells, whistles, and traditional running shoe reinforcements and replacing them with a new lightweight system called BioRide. This technology has 3 integrated parts -- Rocker, Flex, and Groove -- that work together to create a more natural running rhythm.

Faas running shoes are fast as fast can be, lightweight and come with everything you need for running, and nothing more. It's our approach to natural running: Whether training or racing, Faas lets you find your natural rhythm so you can find that natural runner's high.

More information: Puma Faas

The Rocker Flex and Groove campaign was developed at Droga5, New York, by creative chairman David Droga, executive creative director Nik Studzinski, executive creative director Ted Royer, copywriter Scott Bell, art director Jesse Juriga, head of integrated production Sally-Ann Dale, senior agency producer Dana May.

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