Jan 18, 2011

Producer - Creative Product Management

An app for the iPhone (iPad will follow). By True Hero Studio.

Follow link for more info, or buy it in the AppStore.

"What is Producer?

Producer is simply a powerful, creative production application for your iPhone and iPad. Keep, link and manage all your production information in an easy, coherent and useful manner. Why have lists, spreadsheets, scripts, call sheets, casting and production location information all over your system?

A great production is the sum of many parts, seamlessly woven together. Make sure yours is too.

What will it do for me?

You have a lot on your plate, casting, scouting, the budget; shoot lists and all your crew. You have emails going back and forth, you have un-confirmed crew and by the way what is the production schedule? Do you even have the right talent cast? Perhaps you do, but Is this information is all over your laptop. Why?

Keep it simple; be on top of it all.

Who uses Producer?

Are you a film professional involved in production of music videos, video advertisements or perhaps working on a feature film? You may be a commercial photographer putting on a lifestyle shoot or an advertising production.

Maybe you are a freelance producer, location manager or a talent agent, you could be involved in theatre production. Producer is the perfect core to all of your work."

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