Nov 29, 2011

Seven Styles Of Tuvan Throat Singing

Alexander Glenfield demonstrates seven styles of Tuvan throat singing, also known as "khoomei." The seven styles demonstrated here include: khoomei, sygyt, dag kargyraa, steppe kargyraa, ezenggileer, khoomei borbanggndyr and chylandyyk.

Bad Hair Day

Hilarious Kung Fu film.

Demon Of The Lute - Bear witness to Yuan Fei's heroic struggle against the soulless ginger, Red Haired Evil, and his logic-defying pal, Eagle Man.


Mathieu Young is a photographer from Los Angeles, that mixes photojournalism and advertising as his main work. Today we’re featuring a serie called Harvest and that Mathieu Young did while living for 4 days with the people harvesting Marijuana in North Carolina.


Little Printer

Finally a printer that looks good and is small. Little Printer, available in 2012.

"Little Printer is an adorable web-enabled printer that prints mini-newspapers containing content from the Internet"


The Gentlemen again ... this time about shopping.

Severin Koller Photography

Severin Koller is a street photographer, in black & white with a Leica.

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Inspired By Jessica Rabbit

No really ... inspired by Jessica Rabbit, I didn't make this title up, it's true.

"This is Kristina Rei. She’s a 22-year old nail technician in St. Petersburg, Russia, and she’s had over 100 lip-enhancing injections since she was 17. While some people’s motivation for getting cosmetic surgery can be extremely complex and personal, Rei sums up hers quite succinctly as quoted by The Sun: ”I loved Jessica Rabbit’s huge lips. She was my idea of the perfect woman.”"


Free Fall In A Mine

Suicide the alternative way. OMG!

Location: somewhere in the Czech Republic, an old diamond mine. Free fall: 255 feet down, it takes about 4 seconds

Nov 27, 2011

R.I.P. Coco Robicheaux

New Orleans hoodoo bluesman Coco Robicheaux has died of a heart attack sitting at a bar.

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obituary here

Food For Thoughts

60-Second Adventures In Thought. Think about this on a sunday.

You Only Have One Phone Call

You only have 1 phone call from jail, make it a good one!

Never Ever In My Whole Life ...

Black Friday ... I don't care how much money I would safe with shopping on Black Friday. But never ever in my whole life I would do this. OMG!

OLEK On Wall Street

Olek and the charging bull on Wall Street. Love it.

2012 Street Art Calendar

I never use a paper calendar but this one would be an exception. The Wooster 2012 Street Art calendar, Taschen. Nice!

Where's Robin?

For Super winter nights, a Batman snuggy. Available at


Wing It

Beautiful animation by The Animation School, South Africa.

The Picture Of Dorian Gray In 8 Minutes

An 8 Minute adaptation of Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'. Thomas Beg's 15 week Major Project at UCA Rochester as part of CG Arts and Animation.

He's Looking At You ...

So simple ... so good. Using simple styrofoam or ping pong balls decorated to look like cartoon eyeballs, German artist Timm Schneider anthropomorphizes everyday outdoor items in his street art series, They Live.



Japanese band Polysics with 'Domo Arigato Mr Roboto'.

I Am The PSM

Watch Pauli "The PSM" Stanley-McKenzie as he experiences the sights and sounds of Brazil, plays a sell out show and hangs out with the legendary Snoop Dogg, all in his own original style.

Nov 26, 2011

Mecna 'Super'

Nice typography video for the song 'Super' by Italian rapper Mecna.


Oooooh Schwisch ... Fashion Of 2000

Judging this 'fashion statement' of the 1930s the dresses for the year 2000 are only to attracht males.


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 1939

This is 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Floats and balloons featuring: Pinocchio, Donald Duck, The Tin Man, The Scarecrow, Old King Cole, Uncle Sam, Gulliver, Acrobats, The Butcher, The Baker, and the Candlestick Maker, Santa, and more.

BMX Connection

Very nice BMX video by Soul Bmx Magazine.

Address Is Approximate

Address Is Approximate by London film director Tom Jenkins. Sweet!

"Google Street View stop motion animation short made as a personal project by director Tom Jenkins. Story: A lonely desk toy longs for escape from the dark confines of the office, so he takes a cross country road trip to the Pacific Coast in the only way he can -- using a toy car and Google Maps Street View. Music by the wonderfull Cinematic Orchestra ( and the track is Arrival of the Birds"

High Expectations by Liron Kroll


Exclusive screening of Liron Kroll's film, High Expectations. Part of her degree show at the Royal College of Art this year, High Expectations focuses on society's depiction of femininity in the context of family photography, and the gap between the idealised photograph and the reality it represents.The film questions the role of family photography as the key way in forming memories. To create the film, actors were shot in studio environments against a green screen and then placed in photo illustrations, constructed from hundreds of photographs taken in various places around the world.


Benton aka Fenton

Remember Benton (the original)?

And Benton in London?

And do you already have Benton the ringtone?

What about the Benton and the single Guy from eHarmony?

Whoa! Jurassic Benton

I love Benton Streisand

Now you can watch Hitler when he finds out Benton is missing

Marching Band Goed Viral

The University of Michigan marching band is going viral – their November 19th halftime show featured music from a number of popular online videos, from Sexy Sax Man to Nyan Cat. Though probably the most clever formation echos OK Go’s Here It Goes Again.


WTF Branding

Wanna look like your favorite Twilight character? Buy one of these styling products, it includes a manual. WTF?!!

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Violence Against Women - White Ribbon Day

Nice one!

Beneva Foundation in Romania raised awareness of the impact of violence against women recently, using bouquets of flowers and baseball bats. Research shows that one in four Romanian women is abused at some point in her life. Beneva Foundation worked with Bratislava advertising agency Jandl to graphically portray the message, “1 in 4 women gets beaten instead of getting flowers.”

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Case study:

White Ribbon Day, marked in Australia on November 25, calls on men to swear, no matter what their background. “I swear never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.”

Too nice for my taste. Does this campaign really reach the target? Really reach the people that are abusing females?

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Google+ Online Commercials

New ways of sharing the right things with the right people. Do you think these will work? Or better, do you think Google+ will succeed?

Nandos Six Pack Meal ... For Six

Dictators having fun in the latest Nandos commercial, South Africa.

The Last Dictator Standing campaign was developed at Black River F.C, Johannesburg.

A Cute Video To Start The Day

Happy Tree Friends with Super Squirrel ... but different.

Nov 25, 2011

... Or Use Pepper Spray

I don't hope this is going to happen in Europe too. WTF??!!


Online Store For Dieter Rams Originals

Das Programm is an online store for Dieter Rams originals. Nice!


Kill Comic Sans

Another website against the font Comic Sans (which I don't like either). This is fun, just kill it.


Rubiks' Cube 2012

The App Cube works like the regular Rubik’s Cube, only it uses icons of some of the most popular smartphone apps.

Who's The Coolest Person In Music?

NME's Coolest Person In Music list.

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Pet Spider

Did you always wanted a pet spider, but your mother / partner didn't let you? Well here it is, your own digital spider. You can customize it ... well, in a way. Very simple, but it's the idea!

Shatner Support

More than a week late, but I missed this one. Unfortunately! Again a terrific William Shatner at the show of Jimmy Kimmel. The show about the National Unfriend Day. Get some mental support from Shatner when you have been unfriended.

Bicycle Animation

Kate Beveridge about her bicycle animation.

“This is a piece created to question whether it was possible to film animation in realtime. Part of my CSM 3rd year dissertation project I was looking at proto animation (really early basic animation) in contemporary design. I’ve taken a lot of influence from other contemporary designers who are using these techniques to explore the way we look at animation and how its made.”

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Nov 24, 2011

Leonard Cohen Is Going Back To Basics - Listen!


Track 'Show Me The Place' from a new album to be release January 31st 2012.

Show Me The Place by leonardcohen

53 Minutes Of Nyan Cat

Matt Mulholland watched 53 minutes of Nyan Cat (did he really?) and came to a conclusion.

Nov 23, 2011

NYC Skateboarding

Riding a skateboard in NYC rush hour.

John Heartfield Anti Nazi Photomontages

Anti Nazi Photomontages from the 1930s by John Heartfield. ‘John Heartfield (1891–1968) is the anglicized name of the German photomontage artist Helmut Herzfeld. Heartfield developed photomontage into a form of political and artistic expression. His photomontages satirising Adolf Hitler and the Nazis often subverted Nazi symbols such as the swastika in order to undermine their propaganda message.’ - Wikipedia

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Making Fun Of Apple Fans

"I could never have a Samsung ... I'm creative' ...

Samsung Galaxy S II commercial

"These People Soooo Annoy Me ... "

Octopus walking over land. Be honest ... what would you do.

Gloomy Faces

Oh dear, no I'm depressed. Look at this. Faces in public transportation. Probably I look the same when I'm using it.

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Ultra-Condensed Classic Books

This is for people who don't want to read but want to be intelligent sometimes. Or for students. Or for laughs.

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I'm Getting A Bit Sick

Justin Bieber & Usher singing a Christmas song ...

Lady Gaga promoting her Christmas EP

Lady Gaga - White Christmas by Speechlessfb

Warriors Of Goja = Indian Madness

Warriors of Goja at a Indian talent show. OMG. At the end of the video I was standing at the other side of the room. This is MADNESS!!!!!!!

11 / 22 / 11 Happy Max Headroom Day

Can you imagine 1987 and a bare ass on American tv?

"Everyone was all excited about 11/11/11, but how could they possibly ignore 11/22/11? More than simply being easy to remember, it’s also the 24th anniversary of the Max Headroom Broadcast Signal Intrusion, possibly one of the strangest moments in American popular culture."

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The Monobrow

Simfy commercial with a talking monobrow.

Japan's Ghost Island

Nice destination to go for vacation.

"Hashima Island, or Gunkanshima (meaning “Battleship Island,” so nicknamed for it's nautical shape), was a former coal mining community established in 1887. The mine was shut down in 1974 and the city abandoned. Now it has a new nickname: Ghost Island."

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Google Street View Photography

"It’s hard to believe these dreamy photographs came from the top of a speeding Google Street View car, but that’s just where photographer Aaron Hobson found them."

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Nov 22, 2011


They're so cute.

David Emmite is a photographer from Portland, USA who launched his own art studio in 1996. He recently published a serie of pictures featuring nothing else but robots. Even though they’re home-made, & thanks to sets & angles, these characters look more realistic than what technology have made till today.

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Pepper Spraying Cop

This is no surprise. The pepper spraying cop has become an internet meme with its own Tumblr blog.