Mar 31, 2009

From today is live. Also for licensing images. Nice!!! Still beta.

Click here for website

Mar 28, 2009

Sakurako Shimizu (jewelry)

I'm not into jewelry. But this is nice. The designs are soundwaves, soundwaves from texts, sentences, words.

Click here for more

Colour In Design

This Color Theory 101 explains the way of how colors work.

Click here for more

And staying with color in design, this is a nice website. COLOURlovers. A source of inspiration

Click here for website

The New Art Museum Strongoli In Calabria, Italy (architecture)

Wow! Is it a space ship? No ... it's the new museum designed by coop himmelb(l)au. In Calabria, overviewing the city. Why don't we have mountains or even hills in the Netherlands!!!!!!??????

© coop himmelb(l)au

Click here for more

Brainobrain Jumeira Child Development Program: Lego, Balloon Dog, Gummi Bear (print)

Such a good idea. And fun to look at.

Advertising Agency: FP7, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Click here for all three

Amnesty International (video, commercial)

No comment

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Lisbon, Portugual

27 Visualizations And Infographics To Understand The Financial Crisis

Study these to understand the financial crisis ... or just look at them, they look terrific!!!

Click here to study

Shower Curtain

This would scare the hell out of me!!!!! For all horror and / or Hitchcock lovers ...

Click here for more info

Mar 24, 2009

Poken (gadget)

Old news I know, I know. But at first I thought it was just another gadget. But it seems like fun. Just found out you can buy them in the Netherlands at V&D (of all places). I think I'm going to take a look saturday :)

Click here for website

Mar 23, 2009

Mar 22, 2009

Clash Between Data and Design

Douglas Bowman, visual design lead at Google, leaves the company. Bottomline: he can't work like that. Too much data. Everything needs to be researched. Nice clash. Never thought about it, but it must be difficult to design for a company like Google

Click here for article

Blurb (self publishing)

More sophisticated than Lulu. Very good for art, photography et cetera

Social Influence Marketing

A very interesting article on Razorfish / Going Social Now about a new kind of marketing, SIM, Social Influence Marketing

Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful

A very necessary drug, how annoying are constant cheerful people ...

FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful

Click here to view original video

David Merrill: Siftables, The Toy Blocks That Think

I like this!!!! Terrific. Can you imagine what you can do with this in education, schools

Click here to watch video on the TED site

Zach Gold (Photography)

A very good commercial and editorial photographer from NY

Click here for more

Mar 19, 2009

Rolling Stone 'Scissors' (print)

D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli, BBDO, Milan, Italy

Healing Hands Chiropractic Massager

Uhm ... They call this 'Wellness' ... mm, perhaps they're right :)

Click here for more

Mar 18, 2009

Green Graffiti In Amsterdam

I love this ... I know Jim, a nice guy with a very very very good idea :)

Mar 15, 2009

Lars Behrendt 'Lotto-Turm'

Germany, Stuttgart, Der Österreichische Platz, a dead part of the inner city. This is a temporary tower of shipping containers.
It looks good & hope they're going to make it permanent and let people live in it

Click here for more

Dan Witz (art)

Good work, paintings & street art ... ofcourse I'm in favour of the street art.

Take a look here & don't forget to click the 'click for long view'

Durex Banned Commercial

I still can't understand why this commercial is banned ... it's cute

Visa 'Life Flows Better With Visa' (commercial)

Nice commercial. It stars Bill Shannon, a freestyle dance artist who was born with a degenerative hip condition and has come up with a fascinating way of dancing on crutches

Nice music video, band Rjd2 with Shannon in it ...

Nice 'making of ... '

Nice documentary on Bill Shannon

A nice commercial + campaign, done by Saatchi & Saatchi London

Mar 14, 2009

Rolling Stone Magazine 'Metaphor' (Italy)

I like this campaign. Can't tell you exactly why. But I like the illustrations, the text ...

Advertising Agency: D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli, BBDO, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Federico Pepe, Stefania Siani
Art Director: Federico Pepe
Copywriter: Stefania Siani
Illustrator: Federico Pepe

Mar 11, 2009

Abraham Lincoln's Watch

This is such a nice story about the watch of Abraham Lincoln. There's an inscription in that watch that nobody knew about, not even Lincoln himself, only the person who made the inscription, beginning last century

Smithsonian Uncovers Secret Message Inside Abraham Lincoln's Watch

Christian Zuzunaga

Want one ... want one!!! Or even the complete set. This is pretty

Click here for website

Radiohead 'Paranoid Android' on Mario Paint Composer

Unbelievable! And this user, adolfobaez has other very good tracks done on Mario Paint Composer too :))

Mar 7, 2009

USB Stick

You see them everywhere ... cute, funny, not so funny ... dressed up USB sticks. I hardly ever react on them. Except for now ... :s

Mar 6, 2009

'Break The Cycle'

No comment

Client: Barnardo’s
Agency: BBH

Drum Set

This is fun. You can use the mouse but also the keyboard

Click here for playing

Mark Gormley 'Without You' (YouTube TheUnchartedZone)

This is a peculiar channel on YouTube, TheUnchartedZone, be sure to check it out. One of their star artists is Mark Gormley ... I love him


Cute. A reverse image search. Beta. Not working real properly yet. I hope it will in the future.

Click here for website


Create your own online radiostation. Nice. You don't have to register. But when you do it saves your 'radio stations'

Click here for website

Music's 'DNA' Decoded

"Peter Neubäcker, the German music software engineer responsible for the popular pitch correction Melodyne, has created a program called Direct Note Access (DNA) that can dissect a chord into individual notes so that the chord can be re-formed into something new".

Bring back a chord to single notes.

Click here for article

'I Like Doing Things'

A friend, who is away for a couple of months, has send me this. I don't know where he got it, but it's terrific

Greatest Chase Ever (Converse)

I love it. A viral from Converse.

Click here for viral

Mar 5, 2009

Offbeat Guides (Travel)

Nice website. Plan your travel to for example Amsterdam.

Click here for website

Mar 4, 2009

Ways To Be Cool

This is very funny. A found note.

Medical Mysteries (Flickr)

Good idea. The Stanford University School of Medicine posted photo's without tags on Flickr, to see if anyone knows something about these photo's

Click here for set

Null Stern Hotel

Terrific. A bunker, an art project ... and voila

Click here for more

Greg Rutter's Definitive List Of 99 Things

When you're bored, you can click here for the list, all hyperlinks

The One Flag Design Competition

Nice competition by Adbusters. Design a flag of the world.

Rory Brady
London UK

Click here for the 32 finalists.

Top 10 Most Stressful Professions

Top 10 Most Stressful Professions
1. IT
2. Medicine / Caring Profession
3. Engineering
4. Sales and Marketing
5. Education
6. Finance
7. Human Resources
8. Operations
9. Production
10. Clerical

Top Ten Work Stresses
1. Workload
2. Feeling undervalued
3. Deadlines
4. Type of work people have to do
5. Having to take on other people’s work
6. Lack of job satisfaction
7. Lack of control over the working day
8. Having to work long hours
9. Frustration with the working environment
10. Targets

Top Ten Colleague Irritations
1. Seeing others not pulling their weight
2. Managers changing their minds about what they want doing
3. Lack of support from managers
4. Pressure from managers
5. Feeling put-upon by managers
6. Interruptions by colleagues
7. Interruptions by managers
8. Bullying behavior by managers
9. Lack of support from colleagues
10. Bullying behavior by colleagues

Click here for article

Gatorade Commercial

A very long Gatorade commercial by Kevin Garnett, feat Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Inspired by Monty Python. Personally I loved the talking goat

Mar 2, 2009

Art Spiegelman (book)

Trailer for the book 'Be A Nose', a collection of his sketchbooks. This trailer is done by animator Lars Edwards and the band the Black Keys in the style of Art Spiegelman. And it's very very nice

Deep Web

A very interesting story in the New York Times. About the Deep Web. The Google search researches are just a tip of the iceberg. There's much more information on the interwebs.

Click here for article

Redferns Music Picture Library

A terrific music picture library, now available at Getty Images

Click here for more