Jan 31, 2009

My Car Is My Lover (doc)

A documentary by British Channel 5 about Edward (57) and Jordan (20). They literally love their car

Part 3 is unfortunately not available for embedding, click here to watch

Unreel Sports (YouTube channel)

This is too funny. Sports that don't exist

click here for YouTube channel of macnamara666

Folgers Coffee 'Tolerate Mornings'

OMG, I don't know what I would do when I had these very happy yellow singing people around me when I wake up in the mornings. I'm not an agressive person, but I think I'm going to knock-out one of them. Terrific!!!!!!!

Jan 29, 2009

Diesel Commercial

I like this. It doesn't look like a commercial. Doesn't have to with Diesel.

click here for commercial created by Spyfilms

OneHub (webapp)

This seems very user friendly and easy. It looks good. And is very very handy if you have to share business information efficiently

click here for website

Bounce Bounce

Another one!!! Bouncing balls, reacting on your voice or your music on your computer ... I love these things.

Created by Neave, click here for website

Voice Drawing

This is cute!!!!! Draw with your voice. This is what I created :(. Singing do re mi, switching to Itunes, Johan Sebastian Bach, Muse, Dresden Dolls ... This is difficult.

click here for website zefrank

Gordon Ramsay For President

“I love Britain. London is my favourite city in the world.” But when asked if she knew our PM, she replied, “Yes, it’s Gordon Ramsay, isn’t it?". Paris Hilton in London. I couldn't stop laughing.
Free publicity, that's it. I don't think Paris Hilton is as stupid as she pretends to be. It's so easy to get free publicity. The only thing you need is a lot of guts.

click here for article

Ray Ban virals

Now, this is funny ... uhm ... okay, I think it's funny. Virals of Ray Ban, the sun glasses

Jan 28, 2009

PhotoBooth Filters (Mac)

I love PhotoBooth, playing around with it. Nice also for birthday party's of 10 year olds :)). But the standard filters are the standard filters, it stays like that. No update, nothing. Well, this changes

click here for extra filters

CatholicVote.com (commercial)

I can't watch this commercial. And I'm asking myself: Why?
1. It's too 'sweet'
2. It's playing with emotions
3. And here we go again 'African American President' ... duh ... he's not african, look it up on the interwebs
4. It just sucks

It almost makes me physically sick

Panorama (photography)

This stays intriguing? And why? It's a bit sneeky, as if you're spying ...

Tokyo / PhotoArt Kalmar
click here for photo

Inauguration Obama
click here for photo

Vodka Tampons And Anal Beer Bongs (video)

And the times have a changin' .... How stupid can you get

Wallpapers (website)

Wanna pimp up your desktop??? 4Scrape

click here for website

Alltop (website, news)

This is terrific. Enter a keyword & worldnews appears. And I like the design.

click here for website

Jing (photographer)

terrific, 'superhyperreal' photography

click here for website

Ricardo Montalban Died

Ricardo Montalban died, january 15th. You know ... the guy from Fantasy Island, the small guy shouted 'Ze plaaaane, Ze plaaaane'.

click here to read more

Heineken (commercial)

Yes!!!! Finally a Heineken commercial I like
This one is done by Wieden + Kennedy with John Turturro

T-Mobile (commercial)

mm, yeah, cute ... and now? What's the point?

Infectious.com (website)

click here for website

IPhone art, Laptop art, Wall art, Car art ... free shipping for US orders.
You can also submit art

We're All Gonna Die (photography)

No comment ... except: Nice!!!!

Click here for project of Simon Hoegsberg

Most Expensive Piece Of Art Ever Made (art)

click here for artists website

This is what the artist Marcovici say about his work: "One Billion Dollar is stacked on 12 standard pallets, alltogether 10 million 100 USD notes. One Billion Dollar is not so much about what you see but what you could do or not do with the money. Besides, this is the most expensive piece of art ever made."

Mm, it's not about what I see ... but isn't art something to look at? What I could do or not do with the money? Huh?

Horse Lamp

I would love to have this lamp in my living room ... If I had a livingroom big enough. It's terrific!!!

click here to buy

Jan 20, 2009

Fembots II

Had to think the whole day about this word. It annoyed me.
It's a female who gave this name to women with a male attitude. Work first, multiple lovers, not talking about feelings that much.
There are also males who approach the female attitude, how do we call them? Malebots?
Why so negative, why the robotic thing, as if 'it's' programmed, not natural.
A woman with a macho attitude. A woman with balls.
What's wrong with that. Why judge? Why put people in squares (& please stay there, don't do anything ridiculous to break out).
Why is it wrong or weird for a female to put your work first? I presume this is a male attitude.
Why is it wrong or weird for a female to have multiple lovers? Oh yes, a man with multiple lovers is a hunk. A woman with multiple lovers is a whore, a slut.
Why is it wrong or weird for a female not talking about feelings that much?


Fembot in the Austin Power movie

Fembots (Femmebots) is the name of a 'new woman'. A woman who puts her work on #1. Can have multiple lovers. Don't talk much about her feelings.
I wander, in my opinion the word 'Fembot' is more negative than the word 'male'. It has the combination of female and robot. Why????

click here for article

Jan 18, 2009

Banner On Facebook

This is a banner I get within an application on Facebook ... (designed in the style of Facebook) ...

... when you click on it, this is what you get, the registration page from PerfSpot ...

When a user has a problem with an application on Facebook, the user can flag it, and there is a possibility that the application, the image, is going to be blocked / deleted.
I never have problems with applications on Facebook. I don't take it serious.
I have problems with this banner. I can't flag it, I can't ban it, I can't block it. This banner is false information.

Jan 17, 2009

Bautiful Noise Broadcast

Podcasts by Tennessee Williams ... nice!!!!

Click here to download

Jousuf Karsh (photographer)

Project from the Ottawa Citizen, the life of Jousuf Karsh

click here to read / view more

Jan 14, 2009

Obama Condoms

I thought it was a joke, but it says 'available at inauguration shop'. What about the Bush Vibrator, or the Balkenende Beads ... or or or

Microsoft 'Songsmith' Commercial

Am I glad I'm a Mac person ... this commercial is terrible

The Importance Of Awards In Advertising (?)

I would love to tell you all what this video means ... but ... uhm ... I don't know. Can anyone explain this one to me?????

InlineCourier (print)

very very nice

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Matthias Spaetgens, Oliver Handlos, Jan Leube
Art Director: Mathias Rebmann
Copywriter: Florian Schwalme
Photographer: Hans Starck

Jan 12, 2009

Look what I got today in my e-mail box. I was 'on' of the most popular people on facebook. Isn't that something. Nicely done but I don't believe it :)))

Kinnikuman Warriors

Look at these USB sticks. My first thoughts when I saw them: A Dirty Mind Is A Joy Forever.

Glitter Bears

Do you know the different social networks? Sure you do. MySpace, Facebook, Tagged et cetera et cetera. It's a nice playground for research. There are two things which I don't understand and can't figure out:

1. Why do people send glittery things to each other? Glittery bears, Glittery flowers, Glittery nude people? Especially men send it to women. Do men really think women like these ugly images?????

2. Why do men send porn photo's to women? (sorry, I don't have anything against men, but I'm a woman, and this is my experience). They better can send it to each other. They get probably excited by them.

Jan 11, 2009

(Beautiful) Bag

Looking for a present? Take a look at this. Your photo printed on any kind of bag, small or large. I want them all!!!!! But I would pick another kind of pictures :)

Click here for website

Was Arrested

Another one you can send to your friends (or enemies) :))))))))

Jan Peter Balkanende was in the News!

Jan 6, 2009

Gregor Schneider (Art)

Everybody is complaining about Damien Hirst and his diamond layered real skull. Check this artist, Gregor Schneider. His latest idea is a performance, exhibit a dying person

Click here to read more about this idea
Click here to read more about Gregor Schneider

Jan 1, 2009

Helen Suzman Died

Helen Suzman, anti apartheid leader, South Africa, died at the age of 91.

click here to read more