Jan 1, 2017

I'm Back ... ...

I hope you missed me, I guess not, but it's nice to think you missed me. I always feel weird 'sharing' stuff, sometimes even personal, and not knowing who 'you' are. Long live the interwebs! Come to think of it, that's probably why our relationship is so good, we don't know each other. It makes everything simple. If you don't like me ... with one click I'm out of your life. If you like me ... uhm ... well whatever.

Lots of things happened. Busy busy busy busy. Busyness is always a good excuse. I have a job again, I still have a daughter who is 18 years old now, and I have a home again, a very nice one. And I still love being back in Amsterdam instead of Amstelfuckingveen. In fact it's the same as this blog, I can be invisible in Amsterdam.

And have I got news for you. I'm planning to post some of my brainwaves. I'm curious what's going to happen. As you know I mainly reposted posts. A very important job I know, someone has to do it! Even with reposting posts people are kicking me off their 'friends list'. Can you imagine what's going to happen when I post my thoughts. And man, you won't believe some of them.

It's January 1st, 2017. I don't believe in 'new beginnings', it is as it is, it's just a date. I'm bad with dates, distances, but at least this date I can remember. But wait, why do I have to remember this date? See!! Brainwave. I better stop now and surf the internet.

I'm back!

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